Best Boarding Schools

Sevanee, Tennessee

Sevanee, Tennessee

Do you want to find USA boarding schools. Are you interested in boarding schools in Tennessee? We are presenting here a boarding school located in Sevanee, Tennessee, USA. The other major attraction in Sewanee is the natural landscape. Due to its location on the Cumberland Plateau, there are many scenic vistas overlooking nearby valleys. Some are accessible by car (such as University View on Tennessee Ave., and Green’s View on Green’s View Rd.), but most are accessible only by foot or mountain bike. University View and its large Memorial Cross are worth a drive down Tennessee Ave. for any visitor. There are also a number of unusual rock formations and other natural oddities in the area, which are outlined in local hiking guides. Camping and hiking are major activities in the area, and can be done comfortably almost year-round. The best times of year are the late fall and mid-spring, when the natural beauty is at its peak. Camping is for students, faculty, staff and alums only. The mountain trails are generally open to bikers and rock-climbers; however, it is a good idea to inquire about whether a particular location is suitable for your activity. Many trails feature steep drops and climbs that are not practical for biking, and some climbing areas can be tricky or even downright dangerous. There are also some accessible caves scattered across the area, but attempting to navigate them without a guide is highly discouraged. Best trails in Sevanee? Fiery Gizzard Trail is a 12.5 mile point-to-point trail located near Tracy City, Tennessee that features a waterfall and is only recommended for very experienced outdoorsmen. The trail is primarily used for camping, hiking & walking and is accessible year-round. Boarding schools in Sevanee belong to the top boarding schools in the world and each year gather number of national and international candidates. Well-trained teaching staff will take care of your child and make sure that he or she is developing in a safe and sound surrounding! Boarding schools in Sevanee are just waiting for you to apply! This is why you simply have to check our selection of best boarding schools in Sevanee!