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Claire, UK

Dear Margaret,   Thanks so much for following up. I am sorry for the slow replies. Dominic is still asking me if he can go to Northbourne, and they did offer him a place and a bursary, but I am worried about making such a big move. I really must discuss with them as they kindly offered a Year 7 start if we needed to wait. He absolutely loved his days there.   Warm wishes, Claire

Giusy, Bermuda

Dear Ms. Kos. Thank you very much for all your help in finding a good school for Mia. We are not sure yet on what to do as it is a very hard decision since she is only 12 y.o. I have been in touch with Lime House School and it sounds very interesting academically and financially, the only problem is the location. I checked the flights and connection and for us coming from Bermuda is a bit tricky as there is an airport change and I can't afford to come to London every time that Mia has a schoolbreak. I was wondering if there is anything available a bit closer to London as renowned as Lime House School willing to give us an advantage on the rates? We are traveling through the UK on April 15th and we are planning to change our tickets and go to Cumbria to check the Lime House school also to get a feeling of how difficult the transfer is going to be. Thank you again for your assistance Ms. Kos and all the help you are providing. Best regards. Giusy  

Marta, Spain

Dear Margaret, Thank you so much for your reply. We would like a day school for a girl of 13 years old and a boy of 3 years old. We would like a public school, and we don't know if a foreign student can get in. I desire to work as a nurse there so maybe this can help to get into public school. Yours sincerely, Marta

Pouran, Saudia Arabia

Dear Margaret,   I hope all is fine.   I am writing to you because you have been very helpful last year.    My daughter's dad is looking again for the academic year 2019-2020.   I am copying him on this email so he can communicate directly with you.   Thanks again for your availability and support.   Best regards Pouran, Saudia Arabia

Abimbola, Qatar

Many thanks, Margaret I Really appreciate the efforts you have put into helping us secure a place in the UK. I see quite a range of options you have sent and will look at each one and let you know From your previous mail, is the cost per child or for both per annum? Not sure what applies here and would really appreciate your guidance. Best wishes, Abimbola, Qatar

Annabel, Norway

Hi, Thank you for your e-mail and wonderful school search and placement support. Our son will begin at IBS Provence this week Regards, Annabel

Andrea, Germany

Dear Margaret, Thanks for touching base. Teo is very happy in Kingsley. He is looking forward to the school start and can't wait to see his buddies again. He made a very positive development. It's great to see how hard he works on his triggers. I recommend you to various people. Some of them have taken your services already 🙂 Thanks and best regards, Andrea  

Ashutosh, India

Dear Margaret,   Thanks for your email. Yes, Ashita has completed her A levels at Oxford International College and currently pursuing Medicine in India.   Regards,   Ashutosh  

Yasmine, Egypt

Dear Margaret Hope you are doing well ! It is Yasmine again, Bassel El Aroussy's Mom. I am copying a friend of mine named Nermine Abdellah who will get in touch with you regarding boarding schools in the UK for her friend. I am sure you will be able to help and advise her. Once more, thank you for your efforts. Thank you in advance and warm regards Yasmine Hafez

Amalia, Chile

Dear Margaret Have you received some information from school in Brighton? Nevertheless my husband does not like the idea from Brighton too much… What do you think about it? Terefore we are thinking to send both kids to the same school in France: to Excellencia private school. For a first experience abroad for them and for us, could be more reasonable and in the practice, easier. Thank you for your experienced advice. Best regards, Amalia and Denis  

Alicia, Israel

The Read School has offered a place for Ethan. Thank you so much Margaret. What an incredible service you provide. I can't thank you enough.  I will definitely be in touch.  Thanks again  Alicia, Israel

Alejandra, Spain

Dear Margaret,  I have contacted the boarding school in Paris you recommended a few weeks ago and am waiting for an answer. In the meantime I would like to know if you can recommend any boarding school in Belgium or Lille? My family lives  there so it would make everything easier for us.  Thank you for your help,  Alejandra

Majdouline, Bahrain

Dear Margaret Please see attached signed accommodation application, please request the school to send me the total invoice which includes the school half-term fees, accommodation to proceed with the payment along with an official offer letter and necessary docs for the visa. Majdouline, Bahrain

Alexandra, Chile

Hello Margaret,    Thank you very much for your reply, and for helping Lola finding the right school for her. We had a meeting yesterday with the headmaster of her school, The Grange, and according to them, the best time for her to be absent from her school and not to miss too much, is either on her second semester of tenth grade,  September- December 2018, or during the Chilean summer break mid December thru March(12-15-18 thru 3-15-19). This second option would be less disruptive for school, since her school has the A levels system. Let me know if you need more info, and if you think it would be a good idea to set up a skype call.   Warmly Alexandra  

Anna, Germany

Hi Margaret, We are planning our visit either in May or June, currently searching for a guardian family. Since Aleks will be away next academic year, we decided to  stay at home for a nice family time before his trip to UK and do not plan summer camp for him. Kind regards, Anna D.

Ugo, South Africa

Margaret,  They have offered a place but I did not see final offer for scholarships from them as I would have expected. Can you help me see if you could get some kind of discount to help me meet the cost. He is so happy for the opportunity but I will appreciate substantial discounts to ease the financial burden of both boys in boarding. I had also confirmed to David that if an opportunity comes up for him with Derby county FC the school could arrange transport for his training while we also look forward to getting him to play with the local community team. Your assistance will be highly helpful. Regards  Ugo

Sharon, Bahrain

Hi Margaret, Thank you for helping with St. Clare's. I though they have fencing stated in their website, I might have make a mistake. It will be better to have fencing and Alexis fence in sabre. She will definitely contribute well  in the school team. I will appreciate your help and we are happy to make a trip next year. Thank you again for helping.

Farah, Qatar

Dear Margaret  Mudhers teacher will provide me a last academic assignment for Mudheher when is ready I will send it to you  Mudher eats every thing except (pork and bacon) We will come to U.K. On March 26 and will go back on March 31 so I hope I can see another school while I'm in U.K.  Thanks  Farah 

Siti, Dubai

Dear Margaret,  Fatima doesnt want to do an IB program. Thank you for getting us an appointment . We really appreciate it. Siti

Alex, USA

Hello Ms. Kos, We have had a very productive conversation with both MS. Allison and Ms. Debbie at the Sunnyview School in Malaga. Both of them were very nice and informative. We would like to proceed with this School. I am expecting an email from them so we can set up a meeting next week at the School. Kindly follow up with them so we can have their correct email contact as there were some issues where our email ended up in their junk folder. Thank you, Alex

Hisayo, Japan

Dear Ms Kos, Thank you for your kind follow up. We went to the Epsom open morning and were unable to visit Ardingley. I did get a chance to visit King Edward Whitley. Currently we are leaning towards Reed's and Epsom, but they are currently full. But they will contact us if they are any changes.  I think we will wait and see if there are any changes over the easter holiday. Warm regards Hisayo 

Yasmine, UAE

Dear Margaret, Hope you are well, Yes, we managed to visit The Wellington Academy and liked it very much I just paid the deposit yesterday Thank you so much Margaret Regards, Yasmine Hafez

Pamela, Zimbabwe

Thank you Margret for the speedy process. Will be  waiting to hear from you.

Ruan. Singapore

Dear Ms Margaret, I have a thought, but I wonder whether it is feasible. That is Joseph will join UK school in January 2017 for GCSE course and he will take GCSE Examination in OCT/NOV 2017. No matter his GCSE result, he could join A-level course in Sep 2017. Please advise. Thank you and best regards, Ruan Hui  

Dele, NIgeria

Dear Margaret, We have examined all the schools that you proposed, 19 nos on the attached spreadsheet. For some schools, we couldn’t find desired information. We are therefore interested in making application to the following schools 1. Repton School (No space for Comfort) 2. St Peters School, York 3. Bedford School 4. Sherborne Girls  5. Monmouth Schools (Boys) 6. Monmouth Schools (Girls) 7. Woldingham School  8. Downe House (Girls) 9. Lime House School Cumbria We wonder if you could help investigate THE CHELTENHAM LADIES’ COLLEGE. Our next set of priorities are 1. Grade 9 for Comfort 2. Keeping them together These considerations will influence whichever school we settle for.   

Olaitan. Namibia

Greetings Margaret,  Thanks for your effort. We really appreciate.  We need clarifications and answers to issues raised by my husband.  My son plays football and my daughter plays violin. They both would love a school where they would learn and build on their skills.  What is the student to teacher ratio in Shaftesbury School, didn't see their results on line as well.  Kindly give us the best options as per our requirements and also budget so we can set the ball rolling.  Many thanks,  Olaitan 

Nahid, Dubai

Dear Margaret Sorry for delay. I've doubt between bethany school and luckley house. Both are good.  Can you tell me what's your choice ? And what's their advantages and disadvantages? Best wishes  Nahid

Alex, Taiwan

Dear Margaret Really appreciated your prompt action!! My daughter just comes back from Taiwan that I will review her seriously.  Regards Alex Chan

Holly, UK

Hi! Thank you for all the information. We are seriously considering boarding school for my son. We are undecided about my daughter as she is a bit young I think. Would like one close to London or perhaps in the West Country.  Is there a good school that you can recommend for him? He is a very good student but would like a boarding school that supports him as he does well as we pay for a math tutor. Also, with the culture change and different system I would entertain holding him back a year. But either way is fine.  Thank you all of your help!  Holly Cook 

Andrea, Bermuda

Dear  Ms Kos Please find attached James’ last two term reports – unfortunately they are not the best  – he has since had a lot of extra tuition especially in his chosen subjects Chemistry and Biology – which he is hoping to get A grades in. He has already sat his Maths IGCSE last November which I have also attached.   You are correct he does want to study medicine which is why he now wants to go to a boarding school as he considers that would be the best way forward for him to achieve good grades.  He is also a very keen cricketer – hardly surprising living in the West Indies and would love to be able to go to a school to carry on that interest as well.   I hope the school reports will not be all that he is judged on –  he is currently working very hard and I am confident he will get good IGCSE results.   Let me know if there is any other info you need Thanks Andrea    

Marina, Russia

Dear Margaret, Hope all is well. I am very sorry for keeping long silence. We are still did not make our minds about schools, but definitely would like to change St.Clare's.   We love the school, but it is a bit pricey and the main issue is that school rules are not very strict, what we assume may not help to our daughter in preparation to exams in the last two years and would affect her results. Among schools, that you have send earlier, what you would recommend in terms of results, school rules and control. Not religious and not for girls only. Marina

Baaska, Mongolia

Dear Margaret, I know you're searching boarding school for my daughter Indra and hope to hear from you soon. In the meantime may I ask one thing about my son. He will be senior in 2016-2017 academic year which means he needs to apply to the Universities this summer and fall due to submission deadline of most Universities occur January and February. Would you kindly advice if you can assist in finding a University for Anand (Cheshire Academy student) 

Matrona, Spain

Margaret thanks again. I am back home this weekend and will discuss with Maria. Are you available for a call on Monday? Thanks Matrona  

Barkha, India

Dear Margaret,   We have shortlisted Milton Abbey and Ashford School out of current offers.   Which one do you recommend out of these two ? Besides these, is there any other highly prestigious school in Uk where we can send him (which are known by their name around the globe)   You know Rachit wants to take up Physics, Maths, and two other subjects depending on what is available.   In college he would like to go for Electronics and communication engineering and would like to apply in Ivy league colleges , Stanford in US , Cambridge and other prestigious institutions.   So accordingly , which school would be a better choice.   Thanks so much   Best Regards   Barkha 

Olaitan, Kenya

Greetings Margaret,  Thanks for your effort. We really appreciate.  We need clarifications and answers to issues raised by my husband.  My son plays football and my daughter plays violin. They both would love a school where they would learn and build on their skills.  What is the student to teacher ratio in Shaftesbury School, didn't see their results on line as well.  Kindly give us the best options as per our requirements and also budget so we can set the ball rolling.  Many thanks,  Olaitan 

Naila, Saudi Arabia

Dear Margaret, Thank you for your email. At this point, we have decided not to send Shan to boarding school as he needs to pull his grades up and we need to instill a few things in him before we send him out into the wide world. Thank you so much for your help. Will be in touch. Naila  

Sandeep, India

Dear Margaret, It has been over two months that our son is studying Lime House School in Dalston, UK. He is adjusting to the new environment, change in food and climate and above all he likes the school and its management and staff. I am writing to you today for two reasons. One to thank you for recommending Lime House School almost meeting our budget and other requirements. This was after reviewing your recommended 3-4 dozen schools over about 5 months period across USA & UK. Secondly, I feel Lime House School needs more promotion among the parents like us who would like their children to have a quality study in UK. One of the regions I can strongly suggest is India. I am an Indian and I understand the potential, demand and the willingness of parents (who ever can afford) to send their kids abroad for a better and bright future.  

Judah, France

Dear Margaret, Thank you for your reply. We have British passports and currently reside in Cambridge. I would be open to any schools with spaces available. The boys initially attended school in Southern France and a little here in England. As they are both 7 now it is time for a proper start in a top school. Thank you for your support, Judah 

Maria, Mexico

This is Andres last years´final repor.t my scanner is not a very good one, please let me know if they are visible. When the time comes, yes we would like to visit which ever school he is most fond of. Thank you, Maria

Dr Binobaid, Oman

Dear Kos, Thank you for your email. Mshari is in Ireland at the moment awaiting for the start day of his upcoming course. I appreciate your offer and hope to cooporate with you in the near future. Regards, Dr. Binobaid

Oussama, Dubai

Dear Margaret  Thank you for your help. I was wondering if i could apply to that college after 11 of August as i will know about my exam results on that day. And if you have any idea about the fees of this college?  Thank you  Regards Oussama  

John, Nigeria

Good morning Margaret,   Many thanks as always for your email.   We’ve decided that Jordan will go to Moorland Private School in Clitheroe.   He possibly could have gotten better fee reductions at some other schools but in the end we had to make a decision based on which school looked to be offering the best opportunity for him to progress his football development. Having looked at a number of schools, at the present time, this will be Moorland. Thank you again for keeping in touch and your help.   Very best regards,   John  

Ghada, Kuwait

The boys are happy they got into Queens and that's what really matters for me.  Regards Ghada 

Cedric, France

Hi Margaret We visited Ashford yesterday and Balthazar is very motivated. I will call you on Monday to discuss a few things. One question relates to the feedback you may have on the International Center at Ashford, which seems well tailored but a little “new“ to have a real track-record – do you have references from other parents or students for Ashford? This is a big decision and this is a big investment… Thanks Cédric  

Wayne, Nigeria

Margaret, Tammy and I visited OIC in Oxford and Queen's College in Taunton. We'll head over to Canterbury area to visit Asford next week. Kind Rgds Wayne  

Mariana, UK

Dear Margaret  I do hope my email will find you well and your familly during this dificult time.  I will apreciate your help to Find an A level School for Alex day School in London as due to this pandemic period is very hard to afford the boarding in Royal Russel school. GSCE results will be in June as we have been informed.  Many thanks for your support  Kind regards  Mariana  

Peace, United Kingdom

Dear Margaret, We managed to get a place at Maidwell, it’s an amazing school, and Leala is extremely happy. Thank you so much for your referral. Kind regard, Peace 

Lori, USA

Hi Margaret, Sophia has decided to go to Besant Hill. It is a great option for her. Sophia is thrilled. Thank you very much for your assistance! Lori  

Lisa, Norway

''It can be extremely difficult for an overseas family to select the best British boarding school for their children among the variety of school prospectuses. We were fortunate enough to locate Margaret Kos. Margaret’s guidance is genuinely personalized, and she assisted us in locating the best boarding school in England for our son so we could provide him with an enriching and happy educational experience, solely because of Margaret’s professional competence, her wealth of experience, and her sincere commitment. ''

Jonathan, Germany

''Sam’s mother is obviously glad to see her daughter so content and joyful. It truly warms our hearts to see how content Sam is and how she is thriving. She took a great interest in the violin lessons and did extremely well on her exams. We would like to thank Margaret from the bottom of our hearts for her warm-hearted interest and commitment.''

Eleonora, Italy

''Dear Margaret, thanks to your help, Bianca was able to broaden her horizons and gain a variety of valuable new experiences and friendships. Sending our daughter to England was a challenging assignment, but you stayed in contact the entire time and patiently and carefully guided us on the appropriate path. Your knowledge made Bianca’s fantastic experience possible.''

Svanna, Belgium

''The boarding experience for Simon has changed him for the better. He has adopted a new method of learning, discovered a friendly and supportive boarding school, and started to consider his future career options. His initial reservations about what boarding school would entail were quickly allayed by the school's administration. Margaret spent a lot of time getting to know our family and helping us select the best school for our son. She kept in touch with Simon and us during the entire procedure as well. We are incredibly appreciative of Margaret’s help!''

Benedict, Germany

''Thank you so much for your note and for following up and visiting Marguerite. Indeed, she is very happy, as are we. This proved to be the best decision for her. She is settled and motivated. Thank you again for helping her/us find the right school for her.”

Lucia, Mexico

Hello Margaret. I hope this message finds you well. As you might remember we e-met each other last year as I sent my two boys to study Downside School his year thanks to your assistance. They are very happy and having a very good experience. Thank you!

Galata, Spain

Dear Margaret, thank you for your help. Olivia and Mauro are finally going to go to a public school in USA. Thank you again for your effort and support and hopefully I will shortly contact you again. Best wishes, Galata  

Josh, Monaco & France

Thank you again for your boarding school search and all support, it made a real difference for me.

Peter, Luxembourg

A lot of education consultants offer support, but few put their words into action, and I can’t express how much your support helped me to find a school for my twins. Without your involvement he process would be time consuming and so much harder to accomplish.  

Melisa, Namibia

Thank you very much for your email. I talked about the school with my parents and they said they could consider after seeing all the options we have. Looking forward to hearing more from you soon! Kind regards, Melisa Dikbaa  

Ms Valer, China

Dear Ms. Kos, Thank you very much for your help and time. We have decided to stop the process of finding a school for our son at this time . We will let you know when we decide to proceed with the search. Thank you very much for your help and please excuse the inconvenience. Kind regards, Ms. Valer 

Yulia, France

Dear Margaret, Thank you so much for your kind email. I just confirmed with CDL that we are enrolling with them.  I was reall pleasure working with you. You are very kind and understanding person. I definitely will recommend your services to my friends. Have a nice summer. Best regards, Yulia

Daniel, Dubai

Dear Margaret, I appreciate your continued support. Last week, Nathan got an acceptance letter from a school in the Czech Republic. We started the enrollment with them, and the deposit was paid. We will monitor his progress there and if needed we will contact you next year. Thank you so much for your help, have a nice weekend. Best regards, Daniel      

Sheila, Luxembourg

Thank you for letting me know this about Bedales. I will scratch it off the list. It looks like a lovely learning environment, but I trust in the process, as things tend to work out for the best in the end.  All the options you have forwarded on look wonderful. My spirits are uplifted to know there are several options out there, as Liam has struggled a great deal this year and has started to shut down. He is starting to pull through now, but his first term reports are a poor reflection of his true ability. He attends a big, rigorous and busy school, the International School of Luxembourg, at which both my husband and I are teachers. It is an excellent school but not the right match for Liam's needs.   I am quite interested in Kingsley, that looks like a very suitable match as Liam surfs, loves the outdoors and quite sporty. He is a real hands-on learner who benefit greatly from their program. I will reach out to them right away. Margaret, you have been the much-needed wind in my sails. Most sincere thanks, Sheila 

Hellen, Nigeria

Dear Ms. Margaret.  Thank you so much for the wonderful leads you have shared with us. They are all amazing options. We are still looking at them in details and and in comparison with each other. We will sure get back to you as soon as we make our final decision.  Thanks again and we'll be in touch the soonest. Have a fruitful afternoon.  Kind regards,  Mr & Mrs Alwiga  

Janvi, India

Dear Margaret,  Many thanks for your email.  I have spoken to Reads school and we will see a suitable time to visit it.  Also sent them my son's assessment.  Waiting to hear back from them.  Waiting to hear from St. Lawerence school.  Do you have any schools that are just special needs schools? or just colleges for him? smiles, Janvi

Catalina, USA

Hello, Margaret! How are you? Thank you so much for your hard work.  I'll be in touch to set up a Zoom or a call within a couple of weeks to go over the best 2-3 options. I'll be going through the schools with her now that she is finally coming home next week! Thanks so much again! Catalina

Priscilla, China

Dear Ms. Kos, I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my sincere appreciation for your efforts in assisting us with finding a suitable school for my son within our budget. Your dedication and commitment to helping families like ours are truly commendable. However, upon careful consideration, we have realized that the budget we had initially set aside for our son's education falls short of the requirements of the schools you suggested. While we understand the importance of investing in quality education, we must prioritize financial stability for the time being. In the future, when we are ready to pursue a school within our revised budget, I will definitely reach out to you for your expert guidance. I trust your knowledge and network will prove valuable in finding a school that aligns with our financial means without compromising on the quality of education Thanks & Best regards, Priscilla  

Lucy, Monaco

Dear Margaret, thank you for your help! I’ve recommended you to others! Kindest, Lucy 

Chris, USA

Aloha Margaret. Jasmine has had a truly wonderful year at Leysin in Switzerland. She has done quite well with her academics, had amazing travel and made many new friends. She has decided to go back to the US for her senior year and the school is well aware!

Binta, Nigeria

Hi Margaret, Kadesha started her second academic year at Lime House last month. She has settled in very well and doing well in her studies. She sat the GCSE and did well considering how much time she had to prepare. She received a 5 in English and 3 in Math. I visited her and was at Lime House last month to drop her on campus. The staff are very nice and Kadesha seems to like her new home. Thanks so much for checking and for all of your support. Binta 

Ana, Switzerland

Dear Margaret, many thanks for the offer letter sent accepting Matias to be part of Shebbear College. We are extremely happy! I will fill out the papers and coordinate with my husband the deposit of the transfer, to secure his place. Thanks again! Kind regards, Ana  

Vicki, Turks and Caicos

Dear Margaret, We were grateful to have received a conditional offer from Thomas Adams School and appreciate your and Lorraine’s assistance. At the moment, it is too soon for us to accept the offer as we are still seeking funding to cover the boarding fees and other miscellaneous costs. Thank you once again.

Dawn, Egypt

Good afternoon Ms Margaret. I hope this email finds you well. My name is Dawn. I have put my husband Andrew in copy. We stay in Cairo Egypt. We were given this number by Diann. You recently helped her to find a school for her son in the UK. First and foremost, thank you so much for your generosity and kindness. We were referred to you by more than three people that you have already helped with the same.  God bless you!  

Heloisa, USA

Dear Margaret, Thank you for checking on us.  Elisa is adapting to her new school. Has made some good friends. We appreciate the time you committed to providing Elisa with assistance and a solution to moving to England.  Thank you for all of your detailed communication you shared with all of us. We are forever grateful and please let me know if you would like me to send people your way if anyone asks me for help.  Sincerely, Heloisa 

Alberto, Spain

Dear Margaret, We've just come from visiting 3 schools in UK and you were right. Kingsley is a great one and is the one we've chosen. Nicolas will start on January Year 10. Thanks for everything

Rebecca, Bahrain

"Dear Margaret. Thanks for this email and all your help in the past. You have been of great help. Best regards. Rebecca"

Obehi, Nigeria

"Dear Margaret, Thanks again for all your help and concern. Hockerill came back to say still no spaces which I think I fed you back with. Sir Roger Manwood School got back to me about 6 weeks ago with a placement which we took immediately. So my daughter will be resuming on the 4th of September. Currently in UK to settle her in. All your support much appreciated. Kind regards, Obehi"

Marta, Italy

"Dear Margaret, #TrinitySchool was more than perfect, I met my kids after three weeks there grown up in spirit more than in body. The staff is perfect, they are managing a school like a big family and the atmosphere is superb… Giulio and Velia were crying when they were coming back and they are each day looking forward to coming back in Teignmouth. I had a great and perfect experience and I will be always grateful to you to find this school for us. I will suggest your name to each one that will ask me. In one mouth we will be able to plan the next summer staying for Velia, a little more difficult for Giulio, considering that he will have the final examination this year and we do not know how long it will take. My best regards, M C M"

Andrea, Trinidad

"Dear Margaret, James is very happy at #RuthinSchool, he has been made a prefect and is in the process of his University applications. No problems and we were very happy with the service you provided – you were very helpful. Thanks again. Regards Andrea"

Khalid, Dubai

"Dear Margaret. Ali, his mum and I would just like to say a huge thank you. It was an absolute pleasure dealing with you. Your knowledge, professionalism and customer care are truly exemplary. Thank you so much and God bless you and your family."

Francesca, Italy

''Dear Margaret. I am so impressed with Bedes so far. Eloise beeing educated in an incredibly tough French, no frills system where there is little encouragement to the fantastic Bedes. Eloise has been acknowledged, encouraged, praised and picked out for her sports and academics. The facilities are great, there is not one teacher that Eloise does not respect or like. They have all fully supported her with her football at Brighton outside of school. So far it is the best decision we have made. We just need to make sure we get her a scholarship next year! Thank you again! Francesca''

Paul, New Zealand

''Best Boarding Schools can offer you an free independent advice how to invest your money on very high profile education – top schools in Europe!''

Joanna, UK

"This site is very clear, simple and useful. The assistance from your parent advisors was excellent and very quick."

Melanie, UK

"No surprises, no hidden costs. Contact staff extremely helpful and attentive. I am highly satisfied with the experience."

Andrew, USA

"I really appreciate your excellent informative work and how you kept in contact with me both during the booking process and afterwards. Thank you for your effective assistance. That gave me a sort of security right through to the end of registering process."

Betty, Austria

"I liked the service very much – we have made a decision very late and they still got me all the options I wanted."