Boarding schools in England are considered to be one of the most appreciated schools in the world. High level of international boarding schools in England makes these institutions one of the first choices of both national and international students, top British boarding schools focus not only on education but also on cultural aspect of life as well as on discipline and respect. Private boarding schools in England can offer even more for its candidates. This is because of its “private” aspect and that at such schools an individual approach to every single student is on a daily basis. Boarding school England focuses on national culture because school authorities are aware of the fact that in contemporary world many young people do not know much about their country, the country of their youth and the country which is so close to them. Boarding schools in England are ranked very high in national as well as international school rankings which should attract candidate and their parents to visit such institutions. At international boarding schools in England or rather at all top British boarding schools there re are organized open days when candidates can come and find out more about the school. When it comes to the private boarding schools in England, these institutions often organize individual meetings with parents and candidates and discuss students’ individual needs and interests. Because of such meeting and open days boarding school England is not an unknown institution anymore, but rather something that everyone is familiar with. It is really helpful because we are often afraid of the unknown and we should not be. Future students should take that step and visit boarding schools before making one of the most important decisions in their life. Best boarding schools in England offer the best education at the highest international level. Students from top boarding schools in England achieve the best results in A-levels exams, as well as GCSE’s tests. What is more, boarding schools in England for international students offer number of various courses, such as IB preparation classes in order to meet the de-mand of international Universities all around the world. Because of the fact that top board-ing schools in England welcome international students, there is a possibility for great inter-continental integration which is helpful to make new friendships. What is also important that public boarding schools in England offer the same high level of education as those pri-vate ones.