Looking for a boarding school in Wilbraham, Massachussetts, US? We are presenting here Wilbraham & Monson Academy in Wilbraham, USA. Great USA boarding school, co-ed facilities for boys and girls!. Famous Center for Entrepreneurial and Global Studies. The academic program of this excellent boarding school creates global thinkers by offering a curriculum that integrates the mastery of traditional core disciplines of English, Math, Science, Foreign Language, and the Arts with the study of economics, entrepreneurship, and global studies. The Dance program at this top US boarding school is available to students each trimester as an afternoon option which satisfies the athletic requirement. The dance studio, located in the Athletic Center, has a sprung floor and its own sound system. Academy Singers is open to any student at Wilbraham & Monson Academy. The choir meets once a week on Tuesday evenings. Students work on music with which they are familiar from the worlds of jazz, classical, pop, rock, and musical theatre. Mosaic Harmony is a yearlong honors choir in which students learn about different musical traditions from around the world. Mosaic Harmony was created to reflect the diversity on campus as members of the choir come from such diverse nations as Korea, Angola, Japan, Taiwan, Germany, and the United States. The theatre program addresses the creative impulses of the whole artist by breaking down traditional barriers. Live theatre, film and video, theory and criticism, performance, and technical production all become part of the daily lives of the students, thus encouraging a wholistic approach to both artistic and academic education. Academy Players is a trimester long, after-school activity comprised of students at this top US boarding school who wish to learn more about theatre. Students gain experience in all areas of theatrical production through a process of collaboration and individual creative output. They help design and build sets, learn sound and lighting technology, and serve as stage and prop managers. In the visual arts, we offer a diverse range of possibilities that enable both the beginner and the more experienced student to find a suitable course. Our ten-week courses may serve as introductions to various media, such as ceramics, photography, drawing, and painting, or they may allow advanced students to enter yearlong visual arts programs, including the Advanced Placement Studio Art course, that prepare them for entry into art schools.
7 days boarding:
– Founded in 1804, Monson, Mass.
– First American school to enroll Chinese students 1847
– Founded in 1817, New Market, N.H.
– Moved to Wilbraham in 1825
– First coeducational boarding school in U.S.
– Wesleyan Academy became Wilbraham Academy in 1912
– Began to enroll students from Thailand
– Wilbraham Academy and Monson Academy merged in 1971
300+ acres, 3 Upper School dorms, 1 Middle School dorm, 12 faculty family homes
The facilities include classrooms, science and innovation laboratories, a financial trading floor, a library, lecture halls, computer labs, a gymnasium, an indoor pool, a weight
training room, dance room and lockers, outdoor stadiums, and campus wide Wi-Fi coverage.
National Association of Independent Schools
The Association of Boarding Schools
Wilbraham & Monson Academy has three dormitory for its boarding students.
-Three floors of iconic Rich Hall house all male, boarding students.
-Smith Hall offers housing for male and female students (separated by floor).
-All female boarders live in Wallace Blake.
The College Board’s AP Capstone™ program is part of our curriculum
Calculus AB Calculus BC Chemistry Economics English Literature and Composition Environmental Science English Language and Composition European History French Language and Culture Human Geography Latin Macroeconomics Microeconomics Music Theory Physics Spanish Language and Culture Statistics United States History World History Studio Art: 2-D Design Studio Art: 3-D Design
Freshman Foundations and Seminars for Grades 10-12
Four Online Classes: AP European History, AP Computer Science A, AP Music Theory and Java Programming
CEGS Offerings
Includes 12 electives
Boys Fall Cross Country, Football, Soccer, Water Polo Winter Basketball, Swimming, Wrestling, Winter Track, Skiing Spring Baseball, Golf, Lacrosse, Rugby, Tennis, Track & Field, Volleyball Girls Fall Cross Country, Field Hockey, Soccer, Volleyball Winter Basketball, Swimming, Winter Track, Skiing Spring Lacrosse, Softball, Tennis, Track & Field, Golf.
Fine & Performing Arts program has 26 offerings including:
Ceramics Chamber Ensemble College Portfolio Digital Photography Drawing Fashion Design Jazz Ensemble Mosaic Harmony Music Theory Mixed Media Painting Portfolio Art Photography Songwriting Sculpture Singers Studio Art Theater World Music Appreciation
The WMA Summer ESL program strives to improve the attendees’ English skills as defined by the American Council on Teaching Foreign Languages for the Acquisition of a Superior level of Academic English Language Proficiency. Students will be tested and placed in competency appropriate classes for their ESL Lab period. And finally, workshops are offered in the morning and afternoon, which will allow campers to work with other summer program participants from the United States and around the world.
1 Hour 30 Min. West of Boston
Airport Code – BDL/BOS
423 Main Street, Wilbraham, Massachusetts, USA 01095 1095
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