Sheffield High School for Girls is a 4-18 girls day school, situated in spacious grounds in the suburb of Broomhill. New facilities include Sixth Form Centre, Sports Hall and astroturf. An excellent all round education, results are consistently amongst the best in Yorkshire. There is a full programme of Sport, Music, Drama, Art. The school has Artsmark Gold status and International Schools’ Award.
The school has around 1000 pupils aged four to eighteen. The school has examination pass rates of over 99% at A-level, AS level and GCSE. Almost all the girls proceed to higher education, with over 90% obtaining a place at their first choice of university.
7 days boarding:
The school premises can be seen to be split between four sites; the infant school, Junior School, the Sixth Form Centre and the Senior School which is located on Rutland Park, consisting of the sports hall, 'old gym’, School House, Ash Grove, Moor Lodge and Main School. Both sites share the sports facilities and canteen.
Buildings: Ash Grove (Music), Canteen, Main Building (Maths, English, History, Languages), Moor Lodge (Year 11 base, Geography, ICT, RE, Business, Art), School House (Drama, PSHE ), Sixth Form Centre, Sports Hall
The Infant and Junior Department is now housed in two adjacent buildings —in Melbourne House and in the refurbished premises at No. 4 Melbourne Avenue
The sports that are offered by the senior school include: Athletics, Badminton, Cross-Country, Equestrian, Gymnastics, Hockey, Lacrosse, Martial Arts, Netball, Rounders, Tennis, Trampolining
10 Rutland Park, Sheffield S10 2PE S10 2PE
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Consultation, schools guide, questions and answers about finding a school in the UK, Switzerland, Europe and America. Everything from identifying your specific family and childrens’ requirements, academic, language and extracurricular requirements to evaluating the school’s mission and philosophy, curriculum, and student achievements.
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