Creating opportunities for students to explore life beyond school
On Saturday 22nd September, the Wellington Community held a career speed-networking event for all year groups, from the Third Form to the Upper Sixth. 90 students and 44 parents took part in an evening that was informative and inspiring in equal measure.
Representatives from a wide range of careers talked to students about the industries in which they work, passing on tips about how to get started as well as advice on careers in general.
Ruth Fettes, from the Wellington Community team said, ‘We had an amazing group of talented individuals who had interesting careers and offered very valuable advice. The feedback from parents was that they found our students to be incredibly engaging and very well prepared. One student arrived with a PowerPoint presentation about why he wanted to pursue his chosen career; others went out of their comfort zones and explored options they had not previously considered’.
This latest initiative from the Wellington Community follows last year’s Entrepreneurs’ Exchange, which brought members of the College’s entrepreneurship society together with parents to share ideas and expertise in a way that was genuinely reciprocal.